There is a lot of music in the Rogue Valley!
Rogue Valley Symphony
You may live in a rural area, but you’ll have the benefit of attending symphonies in Ashland or Medford.
Shakespeare Festival
The famous Ashland Shakespeare Festival lasts from mid-February to the end of October. Plenty of time to get in
one or more plays.
Rogue Music Theatre
Attend performances of a wide variety of plays in Jacksonville, Ashland, and/or Grants Pass.
Oregon Cabaret Theatre
A year-long season of performances in Ashland.
Britt Festival
June through the first week in September, enjoy the famous Britt Festival in Jacksonville, sitting under the stars, listening
to a wide variety of music.
Ginger Rogers Criterion Theater in Medford
Live theater is a great way to spend an evening!
Grants Pass Concerts in the Park
You’ll enjoy concerts in the park next to the peaceful Rogue River in Grants Pass during the summer. Call 541-476-7717
for times.